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PERRY street @


Christmas trees and other gifts for last-minute shoppers, while Krueger Beer (the first to be produced in cans) reminds everyone to enjoy the holidays.


77 years later, this block of Perry Street has undergone large-scale changes. The mechanic (and seasonal Christmas tree) shop in 1941, is now Roberto Clemente Park. This valuable neighborhood asset boasts one of Trenton’s five community pools, a playground, basketball court, and a children's garden (maintained by Isles). A beautiful sunflower mural is also visible at its entrance alongside recently rehabbed 303-307 Perry Street.


In the 1980s, almost an entire block across the street from 303-307 Perry Street was demolished to make room for the Trenton Fire Department headquarters), which was built about 20-years later. Originally established in 1747 as a volunteer fire department, it’s one of the oldest emergency services in the country. The Meredith Havens Fire Museum (connected to the firehouse) is home to one of the largest collections of fire helmets on the east coast and even a double-decker hand pumper originally purchased in 1850 for the Goodwill Volunteer Fire Company of Trenton. Currently, the Fire Department has seven engine and three ladder companies.


Perry Street was opened to the public in 1813, a few weeks after Commodore Perry won the Battle of Lake Erie. It continues to be an important arterial route to the center of Trenton and Route 1.



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